At Farmboy, we’re pretty fortunate to be able to function during this trying time, we can work from just about anywhere.
Many of our friends and clients are not nearly as lucky, especially those in the food services industry.
If you can afford it, please consider supporting your local restaurants, cafés & diners, during these tough times. Every day with doors closed is a heavy loss for our food and hospitality friends.
Here’s our idea.
We’ve got the hashtag #ChipInCarryOut
We’ve made promotional assets that you AND your local restaurant can use to generate free viral marketing to help drive business and make up for lost revenue.
You can’t go in but you can buy gift cards and go later. You can do drive-up or you can do take-out. What makes staying home more bearable (besides family time)? Delicious food!
This stuff is FREE. No catch. Take them. Seriously, they’re right here:
Are you a designer, in marketing, or even a restauranteur? Take the assets and make your own campaign for your neck of the woods. Just keep that hashtag #ChipInCarryOut going so we can pick up some free viral goodness for our friends.
Let’s spread the word and show some love to places who depend on your patronage and support.
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