Mandatory Marketing Actionable Marketing Plan & Inventory Name* First Last Email Address* Email Subscribe Keep me in the loop on marketing ideas, tips, etc. What is your goal?What's it worth?What 3 main things do you need to get there? Let’s start simple… Everyone has a website… right?How does your website stack up? Select All Does your website have a CLEAR call to action for its viewers? Does it have an engaging layout? Has your site undergone A/B testing? Do you consistently audit and curate your website’s content? Have you established any landing pages? Does your website have lead generation? Does your website have CRM integration? Are you tracking who your visitors are and where they come from? Does your website have eCommerce integration? Can your website measure analytics and conversions? Okay, still pretty simple. Everyone has social media now too.Do you have a social media marketing strategy? Select All Does your company post to your social media at least twice-a-week? Do you have a proactive posting schedule? Do you use hashtags? Do you post video content? Do you utilize targeted digital campaigns? Are you setting/meeting engagement goals for your posts? Do you utilize post boosting? Are you tracking the progress of each of your posts? SE… Wait What?How easy is it to find your business, online? Select All When Google searching your company’s type of business, are you on page one? Is your Google My Business (GMB) page optimized? Do you produce monthly SEO reports on how your SEO is doing? Do you manage what reviews an internet user can or can’t see? Are you utilizing SEO remarketing? Is your website SEO friendly? Whew… Good, we’re back to something simpler.How do users interact with your email marketing? Select All Do you measure campaign analytics and conversions? Does your email integrate CRM automation? Do you run targeted email campaigns? Do you run remarketing email campaigns? Are your remarketing email campaigns automated? Do you regularly connect with prospects and customers via email? Not quite as complicated as SEO… Not quite as simple as a website.Are you successfully implementing a PPC campaign? Select All Have you identified your business’s top keywords? Are you utilizing pay-per-click within multi-funnel marketing? Have you conducted A/B testing, with multiple headlines and creative, to identify the most effective PPC messaging & imagery? Do you utilize social media PPC? Anything else you'd like to share with us or have a question?EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ